Babies (under 2's)
Our baby and toddler rooms provide warmth, fun and security. They are welcoming and stimulating rooms. Our staff will encourage your baby to freely explore and enjoy their play activities in a relaxed environment allowing them to develop their confidence, independence and learning.
There’s a wide range of equipment and activities available to keep your little one stimulated and engaged. Everything from messy play, sand and water, to role-play, book corner, cookery and gardening activities and many more exciting and challenging activities so that your child can fully express interests and build on their budding independence.
To give you an idea on some of the experiences your baby might be involved includes:
- Peek-a-boo’ and other simple interactive games to encourage social interaction.
- Treasure Baskets (baskets containing sensory items with different textures, sounds and smells).
- Music, songs, rhymes, to copy actions and musical instruments to explore different concepts such as loud and soft, fast and to get different facial expressions from the different sounds of music.
- Extensive selection of books, stories and rhymes which helps to develop communication and language.
- Water play, paint, play dough help develop creativity and is a sensory experience for young children.
- Outside fun – Taking the children outside. Let them feel different surfaces, let them sit and crawl on the grass, feel stones and leaves with supervision – some objects can look like a tasty treat!
We know how important it is for children of this age to receive continuity of care between nursery and home, therefore the nursery staff will ensure your child’s familiar routine is maintained.
Parent Information:
Call Butterfly Day Nursery on 0121 373 0897 |
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