Medicine and Sickness
We are able to administer medicines on completion of a Medication Consent Form. A qualified member of staff will administer the dosage. The medicine must be in the original bottle or sachet etc. stating dosage required and times. The child’s name must be clearly labelled on the bottle, and the nursery must be advised of the time last dose was administered and if there are any side effects.
Staff will not administer any medication, which does not have this information on it.
Parents/carers are asked to complete a consent form before any medication including creams; lotions, teething gels etc. to be administered. We will inform you immediately if your child refuses any medication and in cases where medication is vital we will contact the emergency services for additional support.
We do all we can to protect children from sickness and therefore ask parents/carers to keep their child/ren at home if they have any infections. We also request that you inform us about the nature of the illness.
If a child becomes ill whilst in attendance the child will be moved from their room and comforted until we can contact a parent/carer to come and collect them. Any child who has been sent home must be given the all clear or returned to good health before we allow admittance. |
Parent Information:
Call Butterfly Day Nursery on 0121 373 0897 |
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